3 starts, 1 finish and a sticker.
Hey all, So, things have been chuffing along not too badly - I've been hit with a couple of cases of the dreaded lurgy (did you know,...

A lot of 'favourite's apparently :)
Hey all, A couple of announcements today. No More Maybes is now available on Kobo, Nook and iBooks, as well as Amazon! Yay! Although,...

![Where's [my] head at?](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/4c2358_407847842ae647ed8511444d5443be58~mv2_d_4724_1772_s_2.jpg/v1/fill/w_319,h_240,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/4c2358_407847842ae647ed8511444d5443be58~mv2_d_4724_1772_s_2.webp)
Where's [my] head at?
Hey all, Long time, no write. Wow, what a month - and so not necessarily in a good way... But, a little in a good way. Writing Progress...

Is this thing on?
Hello, world! Roman, here. Large and in charge ;) Okay, so I might have hijacked the blog for today. But in my defense, Barlow didn't...

Roman in T-minus 7 days
Whew, is it really only one week to go until Accidentally Perfect is released? More like, only one more week until Roman is unleashed on...

Welcome to the new site!
Whelp, it may not have escaped your notice that I've moved to the new site *squee* Exciting times indeed. I'm still having some fun...